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Transform Sourcing from a Back-Office Function to a Source of Competitive Advantage (SIG, Coupa)
Tuesday, July 26, 2016, 11:00am - 12:00pm
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Sourcing teams sometimes struggle to get the data needed to really understand spend and identify savings opportunities. Overlapping or cumbersome sourcing technology tools make it tough to manage sourcing events and engage effectively with suppliers. Much of the “long tail” of spend, due to limited resources, goes unsourced. Manage your sourcing program efficiently – with Coupa.

Join our webinar on July 26th,"Transform Sourcing from a Back-Office Function to a Source of Competitive Advantage", to learn how our online sourcing sourcing can enable your sourcing pros the visibility they need to: 

•Source more vendors and more categories.

•Manage your sourcing program efficiently and minimize risks.

•Avoid costly, off-contract spend.

•Get the very best pricing for the goods and services you need.

•Save money, improve the acquisition process and supplier performance.