In addition to the events recommended below, this week also marks the release of the March ISM-New York Report on Business. We’ll be looking to see what kind of note the New York Metro area ends Q1 on...
Save your free spot at AOP Mastermind LIVE Spring, taking place on April 13 and 14th from 10am – 1pm ET. The agenda is ambitious, as we recognize the need to embrace a growth mindset in urgent conditi...
In addition to this week’s webinars, Procurement Leaders is hosting a free virtual conference called ‘Innovation In: Positive Growth’ from 8am-11:30pm ET | 1pm-4:30pm GMT Tuesday through Thursday. The...
As we turn the corner into March, we have a whole new set of economic numbers to look forward to – and hopefully they’ll give us good news. The ISM Manufacturing Report on Business will be out on the ...
January may have gotten off to a slow start, but February went by in a flash – and there were a ton of webinars to choose from. There are already a number of events listed for March, and without compe...
The Dial P for Procurement livestream will be on-air for the second time this week, on Tuesday, February 16th from 12-1pm ET. My co-host, Supply Chain Now’s Scott Luton, and I will be hosting Jeffrey ...
Save the Date: As you think about how to block your time for this week and next, let me put in a plug for Dial P for Procurement, my new livestream hosted by the team at Supply Chain Now. We launched ...
After last week’s deluge of supply chain disruption-focused events, this week is both quieter and more varied. That will give you plenty of time to read the ISM-New York Report on Business commentary ...
On the one hand, all of this week's events are focused on supply chain disruption - on the other hand they are all empowering, and solution oriented. If you attend one of our webinar and learn somethi...
Hello everyone – long time no speak! There have been very few events since mid-December, so I’m only now getting the weekly procurement event recommendations up and running. If you look at the calenda...
Well folks, this is it. My last recommendation post of 2020. I’m somewhat at a loss for words when I think about this year – everything since March 12th (when our local schools closed) has been a blur...
Although the events calendar is mostly empty for next week because of the Thanksgiving holiday in the U.S., there are two webinars currently scheduled. I’m expecting to have either 2 or 3 more recomme...
The shift from COVID response to recovery is clear to me in the events recommended below as well as the other events I’ve just added to the events calendar. Here’s an example, rather than supply chain...
In addition to the recommended webinars listed below, there are two other dates this week I’d like to call your attention to... On Tuesday, I’ll be releasing the October ISM-NY Report on Business at 9...
The events schedule seems to be picking back up this week, with 9 events taking place. I’ve also started filling up the November page, which promises to be busy since there is effectively one less wee...
This is the time of year when it becomes all too easy to count down the days and weeks left on the calendar. By my count, we have about 8 solid weeks remaining – when you allow for Thanksgiving and th...
Before I move into my event recommendations for this week, I want to look back at last week – Art of Procurement Mastermind LIVE was amazing, and it would not have been possible without the energy and...
There are two very exciting ‘live’ events taking place this week – both of which I am proud to be involved in,,, NESCON is taking place Oct 5-7 and features a very special keynote speaker: Gener...
As another month comes to an end, we can expect the schedule of events to pick up. There are 8 webinars and 1 virtual event taking place this week, including our next AOP Live session on Tuesday, feat...
Last week, I ‘worked the switchboard’ for an AOP Live session with Christopher Sawchuk from The Hackett Group and Vishal Patel at Ivalua. EPSNews did a fantastic write up on the event, and they captur...