Publicly traded companies are facing increased scrutiny in managing their enterprise risks, and controlling access to information across the organization remains critical to respond to that scrutiny. Many companies use countless resources to respond to auditors compliance requirements regarding SOD and access controls. But this no longer needs to be the case – companies today are quickly meeting their compliance requirements using advanced access capabilities.
Join this webinar as experts from The Hackett Group discuss and demonstrate how a modern software application can quickly be implemented to replace manual, tedious, and error prone spreadsheets to manage application access and SOD challenges. We will also discuss how embedded artificial intelligence (AI) techniques are used to automate advanced analysis for ERP role design, segregation of duties (SOD), data privacy (GDPR), and preventing financial fraud.
Session topics include:
• An overview of Oracle Advanced Access Controls and how it fits into your ERP/HCM applications
• How to use seeded models for quick feedback on real-time SOD risk
• Best practices for deploying and scheduling controls to ensure that any SOD risks are identified and remedied quickly