Your purchasing teams are bogged down in day-to-day manual work within your ERP—supplier communications, PO changes and updates, siloed processes within emails and spreadsheets. All of these take time from their ability to focus on risk management and strategic focus. What if there was a better way?
SourceDay Insights offers you time back to focus on growing your business. Real-time analytics provide your purchasing team with dashboards to help focus their departments on critical areas that need improving or immediate attention, such as lead times, pricing, and OTD.
Join us for a live demo webinar where we walk you through the power of data visualization for your supply chain performance through SourceDay Insights. Let us show you the benefit of optimizing and extending your ERP to give time back to your buyers and improve operations.
Key takeaways:
- Ensure you are focused on risk
- Supplier performance
- Protect cashflow & revenue with live Insights