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Collaboration - turning aspirations to reality (World Commerce & Contracting)
Wednesday, July 13, 2022, 10:00am - 11:00am
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We want to collaborate - so what’s holding us back? Is it fear of adding to an already extensive workload, or perhaps skepticism that customers, suppliers and internal stakeholders will ever really change their behavior?

WorldCC surveys consistently show that contracts experts believe in the benefits of collaboration, but struggle to make it happen. With business conditions in a state of chaos, there are growing calls for a shift in behaviors - demands to ‘make collaboration happen’.

According to a new book, ‘Implementing and Managing Collaborative Relationships: A Practical Guide for Managers’, the key to consistent success is a structured framework. Taking you on a collaboration journey, WorldCC’s President, Tim Cummins, will be joined by the authors, Linda McComie (Director, SCCI Ltd) and Dr Andrew Humphries (CEO, SCCI Ltd).

Together they will discuss the three fundamental components (contracts, governance principles and relationships), explain the importance of proactive management, and provide guidance on ways to improve your relationships through the use of frameworks and research materials.

We support a global audience with speakers from around the world. We acknowledge that events listed may not always run during your working hours. Please register for the live event to receive a copy of the recording and enjoy at your convenience.