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Is your company financially resilient? (Coupa & GENCFO)
Tuesday, July 19, 2022, 09:00am
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During the pandemic, and further disruptions many organisations turned to crisis and recovery strategies to survive. But how do we move forward, gain control in uncertain times and ensure financial recovery and long term growth?

Join this live, interactive webinar on July 19th to hear from our expert speaker panel as they explore cutting strategies to navigate disruption and how finance leaders can optimise their organisations’ financial health and maturity

Benefits of attending this webinar

  • Gain strategies to assess the financial health and resilience of your company
  • Explore how transactional visibilitycontrol, and operational performance affect financial health
  • Hear case studies about organisations that are unifying data and systems to reduce risk and optimise spend and liquidity and understand how to implement in your organisation
  • Broadcast live on our interactive digital platform. Take part in virtual polls and put your questions to out panel with live Q&A