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The Pulse of Procurement - Vital Signs Signaling the Future of the Function (SIG, Zycus)
Thursday, July 21, 2016, 11:00am - 12:00pm
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In today’s rapidly changing business world, there are no constants. Procurement’s increasingly critical role in ensuring global competitiveness has meant increased scrutiny of the function’s capabilities and gaps towards achieving world-class processes and performance. 

To gauge the pace of change and the actions procurement organizations are taking today to position for success tomorrow, Zycus conducts an annual survey on the state of procurement.  

Join us as we share the findings from the latest edition - Pulse of Procurement 2016 – which synthesizes responses from 650 procurement professionals around the world to better understand where the industry is heading and what you can expect in the procurement space over the coming year. 

This session will focus on key procurement issues including:

1. What are the major pain points for most procurement organizations?

2. What changes are we seeing vis-à-vis 2015 in the procurement space?

3. What strategies can companies adopt to increase Spend Under Management?

4. How can companies boost compliance to contracts?

5. Which technologies are major corporations betting on in 2016?

6. How will the procurement domain totally transform in the coming 5 years?