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WEBINAR: Sourcing Optimization in New Categories: A “How To” Guide (Coupa, Spend Matters)
Tuesday, February 06, 2018, 12:00pm - 01:00pm
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Sourcing optimization isn't just for transportation spend. Across categories, it can help identify savings you could never have imagined compared to traditional web-based negotiation approaches. And it can be just as efficient to run a strategic sourcing process as a traditional RFX or reverse auction - sometimes even faster.

In this webinar, Spend Matters sourcing futurist Michael Lamoureux and analyst Tom Finn will join Coupa Sourcing Optimization GM Garry Mansell to delve into 6 non-traditional areas where sourcing optimization can identify implementable savings (while maintaining even testy sensitive supplier relationships).

New to sourcing optimization? Don’t worry - we’ll explain what it is and why it works. Join us to hear about real-life examples and optimization “cheat sheets” to get you started in the following categories:

  1. Marketing
  2. Fleet
  3. Subscriber services
  4. Legal
  5. Facilities
  6. Direct materials (steel / stainless steel)