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WEBINAR: 16 Ways Your Leadership Approach Can Kill Innovation in the Supply Chain (Talent Stream, Supply Chain Now Radio)
Thursday, February 08, 2018, 12:00pm - 01:00pm
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Featuring Kim D. Moore, Ed.D.
Certified Coach, Speaker & Trainer
The John Maxwell Team

Moderated by Scott W. Luton, CSCP, LSSGB
EVP, APICS Atlanta

Leadership and supply chain innovation may seem unrelated to some, however, one’s leadership approach can kill innovation within the supply chain.

Until recently, many companies were top-down organizations. Leadership, power, and authority were built on status, longevity, or position. However, this is no longer the case. Today, leadership is established through integrity, professional reputation, effectiveness, communication, and collaboration.

During this webinar, you will learn how your leadership approach may be killing innovation in the supply chain. You will learn strategies to foster a culture of innovation and how to optimize team members for growth, collaboration, and success.

Team members must feel they're an indispensable part of a supply chain, with leaders that appreciate and support them, and help them to innovate. Assuming you have hired the right team members, it’s up to you as the leader to create this type of culture.

You are the leader and the innovation you seek in the supply chain must start with you!


About the presenter:
Dr. Kim Moore is a certified coach, speaker and trainer with The John Maxwell Team. Dr. Moore equips aspiring leaders to expand their influence, guides emerging leaders to lead with confidence, and coaches accomplished leaders to achieve

For 30 years as a military officer, educational leader, adjunct professor, cancer survivor and leadership guide, Dr. Moore has been at the forefront of equipping others to maximize their potential. Her philosophy is simple: All people are leaders—from the stay-at-home mom raising children, to the store clerk representing a franchise, to the CEO of a Fortune 500 company. The only question is this: How effective are they?