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WEBINAR: How to intelligently mitigate procurement risks (Rosslyn Data Technologies)
Wednesday, May 09, 2018, 11:00am - 12:00pm
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Two in three procurement leaders have limited or no visibility beyond tier one of their supply chain, according to a recent Deloitte survey of chief procurement officers. The lack of visibility into suppliers, including supplier performance and risks, is a major business concern that could have major consequences on the running and reputation of companies.

It’s no wonder that procurement organizations worldwide are doubling up efforts to develop structured risk mitigation programs that efficiently and proactively anticipate and monitor a wide range of risks - strategic risks, financial risks, regulatory risks, compliance risks and reputational risks.

However, the main challenge to successful risk mitigation is not the lack of data – there is plenty of it - but how to incorporate as much relevant data (from inside and outside of your organization) into the hands of decision-makers when it matters most, without delay.

On May 9, 2018, at 4:00 pm UK time / 11:00 am EST time, Rosslyn Data Technologies is hosting a webinar to help you respond to these challenges and develop an efficient risk mitigation capability. You will also learn:

  • What are the common and emerging risks procurement and supply chain teams are looking at today
  • What questions you should be asking to identify and mitigate risks and what data sources are required to provide answers to these questions
  • How procurement professionals have established efficient risk mitigation capabilities including an early warning system that identifies, tracks and alerts colleagues to concerns
  • How procurement organizations are working with colleagues in other functions to collaboratively identify and respond to risks using shared data and analytics capabilities