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WEBINAR: 3 Steps to Transform AP Pain into Peak Performance (basware)
Tuesday, March 24, 2020, 03:00pm - 04:00pm
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When your organization grows to the point where accounts payable is having a difficult time keeping up—or worse yet, is holding that growth back—it’s time to automate your AP processes.

But how do you get started?​

Join IOFM’s Executive Editor, Jess Scheer, and Basware’s Solution Consultant, Stephanie Ryan, for a practical and tactical discussion of peer-tested best practices to consider before boosting your efficiency with a software solution.​

To best prepare your department for automation and maximize the return on investment, this webinar will walk you through three key “how to” steps:

1. Identify and prioritize your AP pain

2. Convert your pain into actionable goals

3. Find vendors who can meet your goals

Waiting for upper management to get the ball rolling, or relying on Procurement to choose a solution, will keep you mired in manual invoice processing -- and the delays and errors that come with it. This free, hour-long webinar will help break out of analysis paralysis and kickstart your performance improvement journey.​