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WEBINAR: One Size Does Not Fit All: New Strategies in Engaging and Managing Talent for Mid-Market Organizations (SIG, DCR Workforce)
Tuesday, June 20, 2017, 11:00am - 12:00pm
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While mid-market companies comprise only 1% of the total number of commercially active firms, they have led national job growth over the past few years, employing approximately 53 million workers and contributing $9.3 trillion to the U.S. economy. 

Many of these companies are increasingly utilizing non-employees for their talent needs, but are struggling with the nuances of managing their extended workforces. If you’re in a mid-market organization, you may have been told by providers that you’re just “too small” to take advantage of complex and expensive technology solutions, or you might face constraints such as limited internal resources to manage the system. Perhaps you simply have a general lack of subject matter expertise in the changing world of work. Some of these challenges include:

•Sourcing quality candidates

•Accessing readily-available and scalable strong technology

•Streamlining processes and supply channels

•Needing improved visibility and increase efficiencies

•Producing real-time, comprehensive analytics, insights and benchmarking

•Insisting on speed to market

•Considering the high cost of ownership that can arise if expansion and scaling arises

•Requiring visibility into costs

•Ensuring compliance with and adherence to complex regulations

If you’re in a mid-market organization and struggling with your company’s unique needs and challenges when it comes to sourcing, hiring and managing a changing and multiplying extended workforce, then you won’t want to miss this informative webinar where you’ll learn about:

•Who makes up the “mid-market” and what are the parameters?

•What makes the mid-market unique?

•Why is there a need for a mid-market solution?

•What should you look for in a provider based on if you are Gen 1 (new to the space)? or Gen 2 (already have a program and solution in place)?

Join us as our panel of industry thought leaders, with voices representing industry research, technology, VMS and managed services, highlight how the changing world of technology and work is currently transforming the mid-market extended workforce management program, as well as identifies how forward-thinking concepts can be applied to your workforce strategy.

