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WEBINAR: How to Drive High Performance (SIG, Mike Staver)
Tuesday, February 06, 2018, 01:00pm - 02:00pm
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Did you know that over 30% of employees are disengaged or actively disengaged at work? Did you know that of the 70%ish that are engaged they sometimes feels that their boss isn’t clear enough nor do they care enough? What if there was a way to increase engagement, improve performance and drive effectiveness? What impact would that have?

Winning Is No Accident How do drive high performance will teach you exactly how to do just that, increase engagement, improve performance and drive effectiveness.

If you invest your time in this webinar you will be able to:

  • Understand and apply the three keys to driving high performance
  • Leverage your influence with greater effectiveness
  • Focus you and your teams energy and performance in meaningful ways


About the presenter:

Mike Staver, CEO of The Staver Group, is an executive leadership coach, published author and keynote speaker. He has often been described as a “rebel with a cause.” What is that cause? Working with leaders in industries around the world to help them confront their realities, zero in on their fears, take action in spite of those fears, and start making the quick decisions necessary to achieve outstanding results in a global economy. With a bachelor’s degree in business and a master’s in psychology, Mike cuts through the superfluous and gets to the heart of what needs to be done. Through his keynote speaking and executive coaching, he reaches tens of thousands of people each year and challenges them to courageously rethink business as usual. The Staver Group works with leaders at all levels within businesses or corporations to challenge them in driving performance and making a difference in the culture of those they influence through customized on-site training, keynote presentations or one-on-one sessions.
