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WEBINAR: Supplier-Led Innovation and Continuous Improvement - How best to achieve them in contracting (IACCM, Leeds Business School)
Monday, September 30, 2019, 10:00am - 11:00am
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Innovation is critical to business success - and supplier-led innovation is recognized as being a major source. But is the potential being realized, and if not, why not?

IACCM has published a study that offers a series of ground-breaking insights that are of importance to both customers and suppliers. This is one of our most significant pieces of research this year and you don't want to miss this session! It clearly demonstrates IACCM's thought leadership and value add and we are very proud of the research.

In this webinar, Tim Cummins, Tony Morgan two of the report's authors will discuss the key enablers and point to the inhibitors that are currently constraining the value and volume of supplier-led innovation.

