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WEBINAR: eSourcing Isn't Suitable For My Category Unusual events we can learn from (Market Dojo)
Tuesday, March 10, 2020, 06:30am - 07:30am
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

If we were to single out the most frequent question, or more specifically, objection, we are faced with from procurement professionals when discussing the idea of moving to an eSourcing platform, it is “Will it work for my category?”

Sales training warns us of the perils of prematurely elaborating, so we have to strongly fight the urge to shout out a gigantic “YES!”. Instead, we ask what category it is they are responsible for, and work our way to a more softer ‘yes’ through more questions.

You could be thinking, how can we be so confident that it will work for any category? The truth is that beyond the 30,000+ sourcing events that we have seen run through Market Dojo, across the 150+ categories to draw experience from, the answer is simple. If you can run your sourcing activities today using traditional communication methods such as email, word, excel and telephone, you can use Market Dojo.

