By Kelly Barner on Friday, 12 August 2022
Category: Weekly Event Recommendations

August 15-19: George Orwell, Inspiring Women, and Optimizing Cash Flows

I’m a huge fan of writer George Orwell, so the more the government tells me it is being “helpful” the more I start digging into the details. Case in point: this week’s episode of Dial P for Procurement podcast: Does the CHIPS Act provide the Helpful Incentives the U.S. semiconductor industry needs? LISTEN HERE

If you are planning your virtual procurement event schedule beyond this week, I recommend ‘Shedding Light on Hidden Supply Chain Risks and their Characteristics’ from Procurement Leaders & Interos on August 24th.

And now for this week’s recommendations…

APAC - Inspiring Women 2022: Finding Your Voice (World Commerce and Contracting)

August 18th, 1am ET

The timing on this webinar (intended for an APAC audience) isn’t great for the U.S., but the topic certainly resonates – and if you register, you’ll receive an on demand link to watch it at your convenience. WC&C is bringing together an impressive panel of women, Verity White, Lizzy Kuoth, Jennifer Bretana and Sharyn County, to talk about what it is like to find the confidence required to make their voices heard in professional and public sector settings.

Breakthrough Operational Performance: How to Optimize Cash Flow in a Risky Market (Procurement Leaders & Evisort)

August 18th, 11am ET

Call it a recession or don’t, but companies of all sizes and in all industries are suddenly looking at their cash flow very closely – trying to handle the disruptions of today without jeopardizing their financial stability tomorrow. In this webinar, Ian Lawless and Abubakar Mehdi from Procurement Leaders, Michaela Dempsey from Evisort, and Emily LaCroix from Berkshire Hathaway Specialty Insurance will discuss how contract management can play a key role in cash flow management.