Struggling with a case of the winter doldrums? This week my webinar recommendations each bring something a little new for procurement to think about. Give yourself an opportunity for inspiration by registering for one of these three events. Click on the title of each webinar below to view the full description and register.

BTW: If you haven’t already, sign up for our mailing list to be sure you get my weekly recommendations in your Inbox each Monday.


Saving Your Team from the Three Decision Traps (Corporate United)

February 14th, 1:00pm ET

In this webinar, author, trainer, and former CPO Jack Quarles will identify three common traps that often sabotage decisions, especially those made in a team setting. I haven’t read his book “Expensive Sentences” (yet) but from the description on his website, it sounds like a clever approach to identifying the inefficient, defeatist group think that can lead to poor buying decisions. Example expensive sentence, “"we already worked on it for 2 years, we aren't scrapping it." Sound familiar? Register for this 30-minute webinar and you’ll be hearing “Expensive Sentences” and improving decision making throughout your company.


The ROI of Supply Chain Design (S&DCE)

February 15th, 11am ET

For a long time, we’ve talked about the difference between procurement and supply chain. Well as soon as procurement starts managing suppliers beyond the ‘first tier’ guess what – that’s a kind of supply chain management. And if we can start to calculate the ROI from those efforts, it is another approach to organizational value. Join Supply & Demand Chain Executive for a webinar on taking a design approach to managing the supply chain.


Blockchain Simplified (Talent Stream,

February 16th, 12n ET

You’ve probably heard of Bitcoin and blockchain, but how well can you explain them? Don’t feel bad – most of us are in the same boat. In this webinar, Elba Pareja-Gallagher, a finance and strategy professional with nearly 20 years of experience at UPS, will simplify and explain blockchain. There is huge innovative and disruptive potential in blockchain, so the sooner you feel comfortable discussing it the better. Talent Stream promises a fun interactive session, so you’re unlikely to find a more palatable way to add to your knowledge of blockchain than this webinar!