By Kelly Barner on Monday, 04 April 2016
Category: Weekly Event Recommendations

Best Procurement and Supply Chain Webinars 4/4 – 4/8

This week’s events all come down to a single day – Thursday. On top of that, they run back to back starting at 11am Eastern. Click on the title of each event below to view the full description in our events calendar and to connect to their registration pages.

Enterprise Independent Workforce Programs: Beyond Compliance (SIG, MBO Partners)

April 7th, 11am EST

As you may have guessed from the many VMS (vendor management system) and MSP (managed service provider) on the market, the ‘contingent workforce’ approach to finding talent has become far more than a contingency. It is now a full proactive strategy for meeting scalable, flexible, skilled labor requirements. According to the description for this webinar, the number of independent professionals has been growing approximately three times greater than the rate of standard employment over the past five years. And with numbers comes risk – something procurement will need to be able to step up and address.

How Platform Businesses Are Transforming Strategy (Harvard Biz, Accenture)

April 7th, 12pm EST

A platform business brings together supply and demand in a place where they can find each other. Faintly resembling the marketplaces of old, companies like Uber and Airbnb have enabled and facilitated these exchanges with the help of social media and mobile apps. In this webinar, Marshall Van Alstyne, professor and chair of the information systems department at Boston University, a fellow at the MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy, and co-author of the book Platform Revolution, will talk about how a platform strategy is changing the rules of business.

Manufacturing Growth with Easy-to-Use ERP (Aberdeen, EPICOR)

April 7th, 1pm EST

Yes, you read that right, easy to use ERP. Despite the fact that they are historically cumbersome systems, hard to implement and worse to maintain, nothing better has come along to meet the needs of growing manufacturers. In this webinar, Aberdeen and Epicor will discuss the need for scalable ERP solutions able to meet the demands of modern business.


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