Telecom expenses are among the top five corporate spend categories. The average Fortune 500 company spends over $116 million per year on telecom services. Mobile devices and technologies are proliferating in the enterprise, with mobile expenses growing twice as fast as the rest of the telecom expense management (TEM) market. In addition, the consumerization of IT is ushering in new trends, such as "Bring Your Own Device" (BYOD), multiplying the telecom management and security challenges facing enterprises.
Join Terry Dymek, Director of IS, Boston Scientific, and Liz Turnock, Director of Wireless Services for IBM’s Emptoris Rivermine Telecom Expense Management solution during an interactive live webinar discussion where you will:
- Find out more about the telecom expense problem and market trends
- Hear how Boston Scientific has realized significant savings by gaining control over their telecom spend
- Identify solutions that you can adopt today to bring this category of expense under management