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The CPO’s Agenda for 2012 and Beyond (SIG)
Tuesday, November 20, 2012, 02:00pm - 03:00pm
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Wondering what keeps your CPO up at night? People.

The latest report from Aberdeen Group, The CPO’s Agenda for 2012 and Beyond, reveals that 49% of procurement executives they surveyed identified “lack of staff with the appropriate skills or knowledge” as their top challenge. Join Aberdeen Group’s Christopher Dwyer and me for this complimentary web event, hosted by Sourcing Interest Group, as we share insights from this research and other top-of-mind concerns of the modern CPO. Click here to reserve your complimentary seat.

Learn more about:
- the evolving role of the contemporary CPO in driving business efficiencies
- the new priorities of the procurement executive
- the top challenges of today's procurement executives

It’s sure to be a lively discussion that you won’t want to miss!