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The Relationship Driven Supply Chain (Next Level Purchasing)
Thursday, November 29, 2012, 11:30am - 12:30pm
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

November's live-only webinar: "The Relationship Driven Supply Chain, from Service to Success" will be held on Thursday, November 29, 2012, at 11:30 AM Eastern US Time. Proper supply chain approaches have been actively pursued by companies looking for lower costs and improved service levels. However, obtaining this ultimate prize is not easy and can never be fully gained by those companies who choose to remain with the power based "winner takes all" supply chain approaches that use an adversarial pursuit of "value for me alone."

Thinking differently and looking for more creative and innovative ways to manage the supply chain may therefore be a future only a few companies are able to undertake quickly enough. Those that do will gain a tremendous advantage over their competitors. The webinar "The Relationship Driven Supply Chain, from Service to Success" will describe how you must create a culture of collaboration throughout the chain in order for your organization to succeed. In this webinar, supplier collaboration will be explored fully, with practical examples and evidence that will give encouragement for moving beyond contractual based service levels, towards cognitive connected decision making that brings mutual success.

The presenter for this webinar will be Stuart Emmett, author of dozens of procurement and supply chain books, including "A Quick Guide to Supplier Relationship Management in the Supply Chain." To register for this free event, login to the association at and navigate to the "Webinars" tab. There you'll find a registration link, be sure to enter a valid email address as attendance details will be sent to you by email. Registration is free but may be limited, so sign up soon to ensure access to this event.