Supply chain talent is at a shortage, and overall unemployment is at above normal historic highs around the world, but how big is this missing link? Many companies feel the pain, but they do not know what to do. Simply put, we expect that there will just not be enough talent with the right skills set from students graduating from colleges to fill the needs left by baby boomer retirements and expanding global requirements. Positions are open, the candidate list to fill them is limited which leaves the supply chain talent pool being pulled in multiple directions. In this webinar, we will share insights from a recent online quantitative research study conducted by Supply Chain Insights in conjunction with Supply Chain Brain. Lora Cecere, founder of Supply Chain Insights, will be joined by an industry panel to discuss the research findings and explore companies’ experience with current potential solutions to the emerging problem. The panel’s insights will be enriched through participant polling. Join us for this important webinar on the future of supply chain talent on November 8th at 1:00 PM.