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Aligning Procurement Initiatives to Company Culture (NLPA)
Tuesday, January 29, 2013, 11:30am - 12:30pm
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January's live-only webinar: "Aligning Procurement Initiatives to Company Culture" will be held on Monday, January 29, 2013, at 11:30 AM Eastern US Time. Please note that this is a rescheduling of last month's webinar, due to the illness of the presenter. If you have already registered for this webinar last month, you do not need to register again. 

Why do the best planned and most well intentioned of purchasing initiatives fail to execute? What are the root causes behind the veneer of unsuccessful procurement plans? In the webinar "Aligning Procurement Initiatives to Company Culture," you will learn that the culture of the department or business as a whole plays a significant role in determining the fate of your purchasing strategies.

You will learn:

  1. The different types of cultures
  2. How to distinguish between various corporate priorities
  3. How to align purchasing objectives to the culture
  4. How to troubleshoot for success.

The presenter for this webinar will be Tim Reis, SPSM, a procurement manager with 10 years of experience and a regular columnist for Leading-Edge Supply Management magazine. To register for this free event, login to the association at and navigate to the "Webinars" tab. There you'll find a registration link, be sure to enter a valid email address as attendance details will be sent to you by email. Registration is free but may be limited, so sign up soon to ensure access to this event. If you have forgotten your NLPA password, please visit: