To Thursday, February 07, 2013 - 05:00pm
February 5-7, 2013
New Orleans, Louisiana
- Conference Information
- Agenda
- Registration Information
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- Download the Summit Brochure
- Download the 2012 Diversity Summit Proceedings
Leading at the Speed of Tomorrow
If your fast-paced life leaves little time for professional development opportunities, then this is the one event you need to attend. The ISM Black Executive Supply Management Summit delivers supply chain management strategies as well as general business approaches to help you streamline your enterprise. Find out what your colleagues are working on in 2013 ... and beyond ... and discover tools that will move you and your team forward.
This is not only a unique opportunity for face-to-face learning, but for networking, as well. Networking is an essential part of your supply management toolbox, and what other tool is this versatile? Face-to-face contact with your colleagues can open doors to supply chain management innovation but, most of all, it can provide you with the connections you need to take your career to the top. Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter are not enough. You need the benefit of real interaction with your colleagues, and this is the place to be.
Don’t miss this opportunity to network and learn from some great supply management professionals. This is a chance to roll up your sleeves and find out what other organizations are doing to get ahead. Look for sessions that address how you can unleash your innovative spirit as well as a riveting panel discussion on disaster planning. Our kickoff speaker delivers insight into the uncertain economy. Be sure to attend the executive roundtable networking event and gain some top-level perspectives.
- Don’t miss this great learning (and networking) experience.
- Learn from others who are passionate about supply management.
- Start building your supply management community.
- Take time out of your busy schedule to strengthen your supply chain and your career!