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When Procurement Met Finance - How to Achieve the Hollywood Ending (Hubwoo, Spend Matters)
Thursday, March 07, 2013, 11:00am - 12:00pm
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It took Harry and Sally almost a decade to finally end up together. We're hoping procurement and finance can find a much quicker path to their "Hollywood ending."

Join us for a webinar on how procurement and finance can avoid common missteps in aligning technology and processes. Jason Busch of Spend Matters will present some easy-to-implement tips that can help cultivate the right chemistry between the two.

More specifically, we'll take a look at:

- A brief history of the relationship (and future) alignment of procurement and AP
- Bridging the gap  with technology
- How to "massively enable" suppliers
- Enabling users to find the "right stuff" and to close the loop following a transaction
- E-invoicing and network connectivity basics
- Advanced supplier network use cases  
- Building the business case for investment

Can't make the event? Register anyway to receive access to the recording and a copy of the slides.