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Seven Recommendations for Gaining Positive ROI and Strategic Benefits from SCM Technology (Kinaxis)
Tuesday, May 07, 2013, 01:00pm - 02:00pm
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Research indicates small and midsize organizations are investing in SCM technology at a slightly higher rate than are large organizations, signifying that SCM solutions are moving down market.  With pervasive industry trends such as globalization and outsourcing, midsize organizations are facing similar planning challenges as larger enterprises, and thus are experiencing ever-increasing SCM and S&OP solution needs. Supply chain management systems can deliver concrete results and measurable financial benefits; however, it is important to recognize the challenges and plan accordingly.

This webcast will discuss current adoption and investment trends for SCM systems, as well as seven practical recommendations for implementation success.

Frank Scavo, CFPIM
Vice President and Principal Analyst, Constellation Research

Frank Scavo has over 20 years of experience in IT strategy, IT management metrics, enterprise applications and business process improvement in a broad range of industries, including process and discrete manufacturing, medical devices, pharmaceuticals, consumer products, high-tech, wholesale and retail distribution and information services. He is especially skilled at aligning business and IT strategy, developing the business case for new systems and facilitating the selection of enterprise systems, such as ERP, CRM and supply chain management. He is also an expert in benchmarking IT spending and staffing levels for end-user IT organizations.