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Diagnosing the Impact of Pharmaceutical Industry Trends on the Supply Chain (Accenture, Kinaxis)
Wednesday, July 10, 2013, 11:00am - 12:00pm
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

A roadmap to understanding the 7 Factors for Treatment

The pharma manufacturing industry is changing, new regulatory requirements (FDASIA et al) and macro-trends including expansion into emerging markets and increased use of third party operators, are driving down prices BUT increasing operating costs

Organisations are now looking into other areas of the business to close this gap. This leads to a renewed interest in the efficiency and effectiveness of supply chains

Attend this webinar to understand:

The inter-relation of: Jurisdictional Control, Tender EvaluationCoordinated Launch Management and Expiry/Stop-Sell Analysis

How a Supply Chain Control Tower adds huge value by helping companies to make trade-offs across competing objectives and limited supply visibility. 

This webinar will address issues related to increased outsourcing, new regulations and the current shift in buying patterns and will present a cloud based solution that can deal with complex supply chain networks and volatile business environments.