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Business Continuity During Blackouts (Preparis)
Tuesday, July 16, 2013, 02:00pm - 03:00pm
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Blackouts occur several times a year in the U.S., with the economic losses exceeding $100 billion. Many businesses and buildings are unprepared for what to do in the event of a blackout, or the impact it can have on their revenue streams. What would your business do if your facilities and tenants lost power for several days?

Join Preparis and our guest from the U.S. First Responder’s Association as we discuss the steps businesses should take to ensure continuity of operations during a power outage.  

This unparalleled opportunity to learn best practices will include:

- Developing a preparedness plan for responding to blackouts
- Identifying your needs for alternative power resources
- Best practices for backing up critical files via cloud-based technology
- Resources and tools to help manage unexpected events such as blackouts
- Q&A