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Supplier Relationship Management: Achieve Better Control & Process Optimisation (Proactis)
Thursday, July 25, 2013, 10:00am - 10:45am
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Good supplier relationships are an important asset to your organisation because they provide the products and services that are essential to daily operations. Each supplier represents a relationship that needs to be nurtured, as well as an element of risk which needs to be managed.

Join us for this webinar to learn how to build and maintain a strong supplier base by structuring and streamlining the entire supplier lifecycle – from supplier recruitment, through qualification, on-boarding and supplier appraisal. We will showcase Supplier Relationship Management (SRM) tools that enable you to:  

• Reduce supplier risk and improve supplier relationships
• Dramatically reduce administration effort
• Make supplier information readily available
• Reduce your Procurement departments workload

To find out how you can maintain a clear picture of current and potential suppliers, while improve ongoing two-way communications, register for this webinar.