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IACCM Americas Forum 2013 (Phoenix, AZ)
From Tuesday, October 08, 2013 -  08:00am
To Thursday, October 10, 2013 - 05:00pm
by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Delivering Commercial Capability In A Changing Environment: Value, Innovation & Risks


Does contracting destroy value or create value?

This question lies at the heart of the challenge for contract practitioners, both buy-side and sell-side. Of course, we know the answer is that we create value … But somehow not everyone agrees. Listen to this brief video from IACCM keynote speaker Lisa Earle McLeod, who will be leading conversations on this critical topic at the IACCM Americas Conference, October 8th – 10th in Phoenix. Join us at the event to discover the approaches and the practices that not only deliver value, but make it measurable and demonstrable. <click here for video>

Contracts are the foundation of all business relationships; from key supplier agreements to strategic outsourcing arrangements; from licensing to revenue-generating sales agreements.

In a constantly changing business environment, the IACCM Americas conference explores how to align contracts and relationship management, as well as develop the commercial capability of your organization to achieve optimal business results.

Unlike other events, the Americas conference brings together cross-industry top practitioners, innovators and thought leaders from around the globe. People who usually find themselves on opposite sides of the negotiation table join forces to explore best-in-class contracting, commercial and relationship management practices (both buy and sell side representatives come together at this forum to freely exchange practical insights).

There is no better place to gain fresh thinking, trusted insight, benchmark your organization and make lasting, valuable industry connections.

Click here to learn more or to register.