As Crowdsourced Software Testing continues to gain grounds as a real alternative in select silos of the traditional Outsourced Testing model, it is time that Enterprises consider it in their strategy as they build their next generation QA organizations. We can see that this transformation has already started in the Industry and we believe that this will happen in two distinct stages.
The first stage has already been reached by many early adopters. These are medium & large size QA enterprises which are implementing a Private Crowdsourcing model and building a 'crowd' of their own employees. An enterprise crowd allows QA organizations to offer a controlled crowdtesting solution to the market. It also allows them to leverage the crowd to support traditional outsourcing tasks and utilize their bench effectively. The crowd is managed through an enterprise-wide crowdsourcing platform which comprises a centralized resource management and test management tool kit.
The next stage that is already visible on the horizon is to extend an enterprise private crowd base with public crowd communities, thereby gaining on-demand access to additional capacity and specific skill set. Organizations can hence optimize their own workforce by leveraging additional resources from the public crowd for executing non-sensitive and commoditized assignments. For this purpose, the crowdsourcing platform will be connected to a public crowd community and allow seamless integration of the enterprise's private crowd with a public crowd on-demand.
We believe that most future enterprise QA organizations will build their project teams either exclusively or in hybrid combinations out of three different resource pools:
a. Private dedicated teams
b. Private crowd
c. Public crowd
The responsibilities of these teams will depend upon diverse factors such as availability, requirements for specific skills or domain knowledge, and restrictions given by security and IP protection requirements.
Genpact is collaborating with PASS to take the mechanics & methodology of adopting Crowdsourced Testing (both Private & Public) to its enterprise customers. We hope to share some insights with the attendees on how this new concept can be implemented and potential pitfalls to watch out for.