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How To Make Invoice Automation Pay Off (Nipendo, Sourcing Innovation)
Tuesday, November 19, 2013, 11:00am - 12:00pm
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       Too much paper

       Too many processing errors

       No visibility to spend

       Fragmented supplier communication

These are just some of the most visible pains e-invoicing was supposed to help organizations rid of.

It turns out this was easier said than done. As many organizations are finding out, just adding “e-“ to ill-devised processes doesn’t really remove the pain. As a matter of fact, some e-invoicing solutions even make things worse!

Join us for a webinar with Sourcing Innovation and find out what it really takes to make invoice automation pay off:

  • How to establish end-to-end invoice automation
  • 3 things that will make or break your project
  • 5 best practices to get you started on the right foot
  • Case study: how an aerospace company made e-invoicing pay off

Date: Tuesday, November 19, 2013                                   
Time: 11:00am-12:00pm Eastern Time

Sign up for the webinar and get a bonus Sourcing Innovation whitepaper: The Many Benefits of End-to-End Invoice Automation


Michael Lamoureux, (the doctor), Editor-in-Chief, Sourcing Innovation

Michael is an innovative thought leader and expert in the supply chain space, specializing in analytics, optimization, and modeling. He is the founder and editor-in-chief of Sourcing Innovation, a leading resource for sourcing, procurement, and supply management professionals who are interested in improving themselves and the overall performance of their supply management organizations. Michael has a PhD and Masters in Computer Science from the University of New Brunswick and a BS in Math and Computer Science from the University of Prince Edward Island.

Assaf Stern, VP Products, Nipendo

Assaf brings years of experience in B2B software deployment, having held project management positions at IBOT Inc. and a software development position at ESPC Inc. Assaf holds an MBA and a BS in Computer Engineering and Computer Science from Tel Aviv University.