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Agility, Mobility, Visibility: Three Dynamics for the New Procurement (Ardent Partners)
Wednesday, December 04, 2013, 02:00pm - 03:00pm
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To gain advantage in today’s market, Best-in-Class Chief Procurement Officers typically match a bold vision with a nimble organization and flawless execution. Ardent Partners research has identified three critical dynamics that underpin their success:

Agility…. An ability to adapt and react positively to market shifts and unprecedented volatility.

Mobility…. The removal of geographic constraints in the pursuit of top talent and supply.

Visibility…. Into spend, supply, and process remains the foundation for all procurement success.

Join Andrew Bartolini, Chief Research Officer at Ardent Partners and Bin Shrestha of GEP as they present a vision of the “New Procurement” and the three dynamics – Agility, Mobility, and Visibility – that drive top performance. Webinar attendees will learn how highly effective procurement leaders and the organizations they’ve developed use these tools to great advantage in this insight-packed review.