Many companies implement contract management systems to address common problems in the contracting lifecycle. Such systems provide dynamic storage and search functionality, streamline workflows and approvals, and monitor key milestones in the life of a contract.
Improving contracting processes is an important first step to improving contracting effectiveness. But it is not enough. Still missing is a critical component preventing companies from truly optimizing contracting – analytics.
To make key decisions, executives need deeper insight than day-to-day operational reports and searches can provide.
Revitas and IACCM will host a lively discussion about how top companies enable analytical best-practices for their organization. Join us for “Analytics: The Missing Link in the Contract Lifecycle” on March 5, 2014, at 1:00PM EST to learn how analytics will enable you to:
- Identify problems in contracting processes
- Validate preconceived notions and assumptions regarding contract performance
- Determine the success of your partner programs
- Ascertain the bottlenecks that impede effective contract execution
Improve the effectiveness of your contracts to transform outcomes.