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Managing Supplier Risk - A Manufacturer’s Conundrum (Directworks)
Wednesday, April 30, 2014, 02:00pm - 03:00pm
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Assessing and managing supplier risk has become one of the most hotly discussed topics across the manufacturing industry. Given that risk mitigation is a core competency of many organizations, why is it such a conundrum? Simply put, many manufacturers have fallen short because they continue to struggle to get their hands on the right data to perform meaningful assessment and analysis. Without a good fact base, it is difficult to develop the courses of actions needed to mitigate risk at the right cost.

In this webinar you will learn how to prioritize the type of information you need to focus on in order to build a meaningful plan, as well as the data needed to conduct a proper assessment. You will also learn best practices, processes and technology that will to help enable success.