Losing track of a file is as risky to your supply chain as losing track of a product moving through the chain. It only takes one missing file to negatively impact your operations, reputation, and revenue.
Most file "governance" solutions only give you a narrow, "silo" view into the files that go through their own applications. What you really need, to reduce the risk of missing files, is an enterprise-wide view of your file assets, monitoring all transport apps and servers. A true dashboard into every file moving through your organization, including "metadata" about that file – who created it, when it was changed and by whom, where it came from, where it's been, and where it is now.
We'll show you how you can get that "enterprise dashboard" view of all your files, no matter where they are in your system, and how it will help you eliminate the high risk of silos.
Bad stuff happens when files go missing. Find out how to keep track of them all, no matter where they are in your system.