Unquestionably, the most important responsibility of ANY executive is hiring the right people. Irrespective of position or economic climate (including recessions like the one we are all currently experiencing), companies compete for talent at every turn. And yet, the interviewing and candidate evaluation processes in most companies are clearly broken… because interviewers often fall prey to SIX specific interviewing dysfunctions. Methods for overcoming these six candidate evaluation dysfunctions will be dissected and presented.
This MEI FREE "Special Series” Webinar has three distinct objectives:
First Objective… to define the critical importance of understanding and quantifying certain critical competencies and personal characteristics BEFORE a person is hired.
Second Objective… to succinctly present a useable framework for evaluating job candidates that will lead to substantially better results.
Third Objective… to stimulate thinking around the types of employees a company really needs, including the presentation of research findings that suggest quantifiable methods for segmenting candidates who possess high-performance potential from average candidates.
Webinar Presenter: Alan G. Dunn, Founder of the Manufacturing Executive Institute and President of GDI Consulting & Training Company.