Thursday 19th February 2015 - 4:00 PM London, 11:00 AM New York, 12:00AM Singapore
In this webinar, the authors of Supply Market Intelligence for Procurement Professionals: Research, Process, and Resources will present an overview of the potential a supply market intelligence (SMI) program offers procurement organizations in all industries. Specifically:
- The process for creating intelligence and how it is different than information
- How SMI can be used to improve the many initiatives that procurement organizations have underway, and all of their cross functional relationships
- Real-world research tactics and methods based on the authors’ decades of experience
- Overview of the importance of quality assurance and knowledge management efforts to SMI
- Open access vs. fee-based resources
SMI is a perfect development opportunity as it creates immediate, measurable value, not only for procurement, but for their stakeholders and the enterprise as a whole.
Our Experts:
Jeanette Jones is the founder of Cottrill Research, a provider of supply market intelligence research services, and has over twenty years experience providing corporate business and strategic sourcing research services. Jeanette has established libraries with research functions for Arthur Andersen and the IT Vendor Management Group at Bank One (JP Morgan Chase) and provided research services for Wachovia's Strategic Sourcing Group. Jeanette served as an adjunct professor at Ohio Dominican University and has taught research skills at Collin College and College of Southern Nevada. Jeanette maintains the Cottrill Research Blog, which provides news and analysis about research offerings for procurement professionals.
Kelly Barner is the Managing Editor of Buyers Meeting Point, an online resource that leverages their extensive knowledge of industry events, publications, and solution providers to make trusted recommendations to busy practitioners. Kelly's decade in procurement has included time as a practitioner and as the assistant director of consulting at a solution provider. Kelly delivers a weekly Blog Talk Radio update each Monday at noon Eastern that covers the upcoming week’s events and includes a guest audio soundbite and editorial reaction. Kelly regularly reviews procurement and supply chain publications as they become available, and is a popular contributor to a number of industry blogs and news sites.