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WEBINAR SERIES: Putting the Supplier Experience at the Forefront of Strategic Procurement (Art of Procurement, HICX)
Thursday, August 05, 2021, 11:00am - 12:00pm
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AOP Live HICX Series

Session 1: Making the Case for Supplier Experience Management - July 22, 11am ET

Procurement has always had a supplier experience, but only recently has energy been invested in designing and improving it.

Doing so will require procurement to revisit many of the policies, processes, and programs that affect suppliers - starting by making the case internally that the supplier experience is on the critical path to objectives such as top line value creation, supply chain resiliency, and environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) initiatives.

Session 2: Supplier Experience Management in Practice: Today and Tomorrow - July 29, 11am ET

For a SXM program to be truly successful, many groups in the enterprise need to be involved. One early area of cross-functional focus will have to be data - both the quality of current data and the process for collecting and improving data in the future. This naturally leads to the formalization of SXM priorities and objectives - essential elements for making the program sustainable.

Session 3: Understanding the ROI of World Class Supplier Experience Management - August 5, 11am ET

What does it mean to be ‘supplier centric’ and how much work will procurement have to do to achieve that label? In this session, we will explore the meaning of supplier experience management (SXM) and study how it connects to other initiatives and types of value procurement is already leading.