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Preparing for success in 2023: Procurements evolving proposition (Procurement Leaders & SAP Ariba)
Wednesday, October 19, 2022, 10:00am - 11:00am
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As 2023 approaches, the events of the last few years have shaped how procurement has and will continue to evolve. From managing supply disruption, driving greater digitisation, improving supplier relationships, procurement’s role as a value creator has never been more important to the success of every organisation.

What will challenge, prepare and propel us forward next?

In light of increasing digitisation and the importance of supplier relationships,  how will Category Management impact our organisation’s ways of working?

With all of these supply chain disruptions we have experienced, how can we improve our visibility beyond tier 1 & 2 into tiers 3 and beyond?

In every boardroom and C suite discussion the legislative and consumer demands around Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) will shape organisational strategy. How does procurement lead and contribute value in these areas?

We look forward to discussing these important strategic areas with Kai Nowosel, CPO Accenture and Gordon Donovan, Market Research director for Procurement and External Workforce at SAP.