Eliminating Obstacles to Value Through the Procurement Experience (Globality, Art of Procurement)
Tuesday, November 15, 2022, 11:00am - 12:00pm
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Procurement has been on the path toward business partnership for a long time. They want to partner with stakeholders, suppliers, and the business as a whole. And it is a wise approach; collaborative partnerships are the key to unlocking new forms of value creation, especially in challenging economic conditions.
For all the effort procurement has made, it would be reasonable to expect procurement to have solid cross functional partnerships by now - and yet, they often remain elusive. If opportunity and good intentions are not the problem, then what is?
For all the effort procurement has made, it would be reasonable to expect procurement to have solid cross functional partnerships by now - and yet, they often remain elusive. If opportunity and good intentions are not the problem, then what is?
Although most procurement teams talk about achieving new levels of partnership, they continue to roll out the same old cumbersome, administrative processes and technologies that strained their relationships in the first place. Until procurement changes their approach to information, buyer empowerment, and user experience, meaningful partnerships will remain out of reach.
In this AOP Live session, Art of Procurement’s Philip Ideson will be joined by Keith Hausmann, Chief Revenue Officer at Globality. They will address procurement’s desire for stronger partnerships by answering live audience questions about:
How procurement is perceived internally, and what needs to be changed in cases where this perception is either undeserved or an obstacle to value
Determining where friction exists within the current procurement experience and finding ways to alleviate it
Providing the level of experience users want while also delivering the types of partnerships procurement deserves - and the measurable impact the business needs