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Modern slavery: What can contracting professionals do about it? (World Commerce & Contracting)
Wednesday, November 30, 2022, 02:00pm - 03:00pm
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A UK study shows 72% of supply chain professionals admit to having no visibility of their supply chains below the first tier, and out of the 40 million victims of modern slavery, only 0.2% of people have been helped. Crazy right? How can contracting professionals use the power of contract model clauses to have a positive impact?

We all have a shared responsibility when it comes to eradicating global issues. In aid of International Day for the Abolition of Slavery, Matt Friedman (CEO, The Mekong Club), Sylvia Friedman (Award-Winning Filmmaker), Olivia Windham Stewart (Business and Human Rights Specialist) and Sarah Dadush (Professor of Law, Rutgers Law School) will share their knowledge on how organizations can collaborate and accept responsibility together.

Our speakers will discuss how the Model Contract Clauses (MCCs for Human Rights Project) is adopting a revolutionary approach to contracting - one of shared responsibility and collaboration to achieve meaningful change to human rights and in particular modern slavery.