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Next Stop, Floor 15: Global Minimum Taxes (BlackLine)
Wednesday, March 08, 2023, 10:00am
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Global minimum tax (GMT) has made headlines the last few years. Recently, several major tax reforms were passed that impact multinationals. In North America, BEAT (Base Erosion Tax) was enacted for corporations that make certain deductible payments to related foreign parties. The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), passed in 2022, imposed a new 15% corporate alternative minimum tax (the Corporate AMT), while in Europe, the EU implemented Pillar 2 of the GLoBE rules (Global Anti-Base Erosion) – a global 15% minimum tax. 


But what do all these new rulings really mean to organizations, and how can companies best prepare for the changes? Join us as we talk Tax, discussing the recent rulings in depth, key developments that led to them, the potential impact to global organizational processes like Intercompany, and how automating and centralizing processes can provide tax-related benefits to your organization.


Register today to learn:  


• BEAT, IRA, and GLoBE – in depth

• Key developments that led to these regulations and the associated impact

• How Intercompany Financial Management can provide transparency and granularity to help your organization