For the first time since the Fortune 500 list began 68 years ago, more than 10% of CEOs leading Fortune 500 companies were women - this figure was 0% in 1995. The glass ceiling refers to the invisible barriers that women and minority group’s encounter in the workplace that stop them from advancing professionally. Whilst there has been a growing movement to break the glass ceiling and increase representation of women in the C-Suite, it is moving at a slow pace.
Despite the challenges, there are women who have broken through the glass ceiling and advanced to leadership positions. On the special occasion of International Women’s Day (IWD) 2023 and Women’s History Month, join us to celebrate and highlight the achievements of women of all races, sexual orientation, disability and identification. Hear from our fantastic range of speakers that will share their journeys, challenges, lessons learned and success stories from the past, present and future. Together we can #EmbraceEquity to create a more inclusive workplace where we all have the opportunity to break the glass ceiling and pave the future of our industry.