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ANZAC Day Focus: Positive social impacts of veteran employment (World Commerce & Contracting)
Thursday, April 13, 2023, 11:00am - 12:00pm
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Everyone working in contracting can benefit from hearing about positive social impacts that can be derived from a company's employment of veterans.

ESG is a great focus of CEOs through to procurement and contracting professionals. We have more focus on the "S" in ESG - with social procurement and employment strategies coming to the fore.

With ANZAC Day occurring, we turn our mind to those Men and Women who put themselves in harms' way to protect our freedoms, those who've lost their lives and those who return and the impacts of their military service on their lives.

It can be difficult for veterans to transition from service to a normal life.

BAE Systems' Head of Future Business, Mat Jones will take us through his own story and how his organisation's social employment strategies for Veteran employment is reaping dividends. And, Gus Campbell will share his experiences as a former soldier, and how his life was turned around and is now achieving success, with the support he received from his employer.

Key takeaways

  • ESG is now a great focus of organisations.
  • Practical examples of social procurement and employment practices.