2024 ESG Action Planning (Art of Procurement & IntegrityNext)
Thursday, October 05, 2023, 11:00am - 12:00pm
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Each year presents a new opportunity for environmental, social, and governance (ESG) impact - and yet, time waits for no one. Realizing ESG program objectives requires a constant commitment, powered by supply market data and an up-to-date understanding of regulatory changes.
Being prepared to facilitate informed discussions and qualifying supply chain partners that can advance companies towards their ESG targets is a long term strategic role, and one that procurement is often asked to fill.
In this AOP Live session, Jared Ridgley, Key Account Manager at IntegrityNext, will share his advice for positioning your ESG program for success this year and accelerating that impact next year including:
- Fully integrating ESG objectives into ongoing sourcing processes and decision making frameworks
- Emphasizing business outcomes in all discussions and planning sessions focused on environmental and social impact
- Ensuring regulatory readiness for global, regional, and local ESG regulations