Preparing for Success in 2024: Procurement’s Opportunity to Evolve (Procurement Leaders & SAP)
Tuesday, October 17, 2023, 10:00am - 11:00am
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Never before has Procurement been so committed to aligning with their organization’s strategy and goals. We are all committed to bring and show value back to the organization. How are procurement leaders going to do that in 2024?
Join us for a discussion around this using some of the latest research and insights on this topic to guide attendees on how or what’s right for their organization and how the C-suite views procurement’s contribution to their success.
In addition, to prepare for 2024 we will focus on these topics:
- Building relationships: How procurement can earn a seat at the table – whether it’s the board or line of business – to create and maintain better internal relationships.
- Supplier management: How companies can enhance these relationships to achieve cost savings and mitigate risks while also trying to balance ESG and other governmental directives
- Transformation: Where procurement can rely on analytics, using AI and machine learning, now and then the hope for the future