Data-Driven Supplier Diversity (Procurement Leaders & Supplier io)
Thursday, December 14, 2023, 10:00am - 11:00am
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They key to a successful supplier diversity program is the data. But not just the supplier data, how you track and measure the success of your program over time, what you share with executives, and what you share externally are all critical parts of your program’s success. In this session we’ll explore how companies are tracking and measuring the success of their programs, and how that data is being used effectively to grow and improve their results.
In addition to detailed industry data, you’ll also hear from Mark Morales, Vice President at City National Bank on how he’s seen successful organizations use tracking and measuring to drive results.
Key topics discussed will include:
- How most organizations measure success today
- How they use those measurements to drive better results
- Best practices for measuring and improving programs
- Examples of additional metrics leaders are starting to use