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From Reactive to Proactive: Future-Proof Procurement (Procurement IQ, Art of Procurement)
Thursday, January 18, 2024, 02:00pm - 02:45pm
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There are two sides to every coin. For procurement, those sides are often the two approaches to supplier negotiations: reactive and tactical vs. proactive and strategic.

Everyone wants to be more strategic, but how do you lay the groundwork for success that won’t be measured for 18 months or more? And what do you do when you have no choice but to react to new developments?

Join Art of Procurement’s Philip Ideson and ProcurementIQ’s Fiona Adams to discover practical approaches to proactive, strategic sourcing, including:

  • How should you approach and negotiate with legacy suppliers, especially when you have too many suppliers in your tail spend?
  • What should you do when you’re forced to be reactive due to circumstances outside your control?
  • How can you position yourself proactively to have a successful negotiation in eighteen months instead of reacting to a negotiation one month away?
  • What steps can you take when you’re forced to be reactive?
  • 'What information and data do you need to build a strategic, proactive approach?

Ready to make your New Year's resolution? Ring in the New Year on the right foot with this 45 minute webinar that will empower you to become more efficient, resilient, and strategic in 2024!