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The Disconnect: Buyers are From Mars and Vendors are from Venus (Outsourcing Institute)
Tuesday, September 18, 2012, 02:00pm - 03:00pm
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Although outsourcing has been a thriving, growth market for over 20 years, we are still seeing a recurring theme of the disconnected, even dysfunctional, relationship between outsourcing clients and providers. This large and growing trend is potentially the single most significant thing impeding ROI for both sides of the equation, particularly in the ITO space. There is a famous BB King song entitled “The Thrill is Gone”. Is this what you are taking away from your monthly governance meetings?

This panel discussion of buyers and providers continues the debate started at our NYC Road Show in June. We will candidly analyze the key factors contributing to this malaise and recommend practical remedies for those looking to get to a more productive place with their outsourcing partners.

Our panel of experts will identify global problems, probe systemic causes and draft specific solutions, including:

 What problems are exclusive to the ITO buyer-provider relationship?
 What quick fixes can I put in place today...and what answers are there for the long-run?
 As technology matures and changes, how can the buyer-provider relationship keep pace?

Moderator: Frank Casale, Founder and CEO, The Oustourcing Institute

John Lalli, Chief Operating Officer, Blue Hill Data
Peter Messina, Senior VP & Operating Officer, Computer Alternative Processing Sites (CAPS), Inc.
Vishal Ahluwalia, Executive Director, Head Outsourcing/Off-shoring WMA, UBS
Joseph Rosenthal, Vice President, Global Infrastructure Services Technology Sourcing, Barclays Capital
